引言 (Quotes)

  • 首次发布:2020-04-20
  • 更新日期:2020-05-22, 2020-09-03

生活 Life

内心细腻的人,总是能从书中获得勇气和力量。不管人世间多么嘈杂,总能获得内心的平静和自足。 –anonymous

那些不开心的人,就是想要的太多,得到的太少。 –sylecn

可我真正佩服的,是那些在如水如雾的生活里,挑拣善与美,并让它日夜酝酿持久发酵的人。哪怕他们看起来再平凡,却有稀罕的爱一个人的能力和一颗勇敢的心。 –傅踢踢

Stress can ruin every day of your life. Dying can only ruin one. –Sherlock (from Sherlock TV series)

Those who try to manipulate others to get what he or she wants have serious problem, and not worth a friend. –sylecn

能不能获得世俗的成功要看很多东西,眼光,能力,机遇,运气。能不能获得内心的平静主要看基本生存能力,个人品质,心态。 –sylecn

成功可以分为两种,一种是名利上的成功,一种是人格上的成功。前者只是一时的、表面的、物质的;而后者是永恒的、实质的、精神的,需要用一生的努力来获取。 –黄锦波

你每次发怒都应该是策略性的,做给别人看的,而不是冲动的,伤害自己的,越早能做到这点,人际和职场上就会越主动。 –尹惟楚

青春最可爱的地方就在于有大把的时间可以去挥霍,你可以犯无数的错误,因为你有改正错误的时间,但是当中年这杯下午茶端在你手里的时候,你就知道要赶紧做正确事,因为错了就没有改正的时间了。 –白岩松

能力,态度,目标比当前的处境更重要。 –sylecn

你的人生永远不会辜负你的,那些转错的弯,那些走错的路,那些留下的泪水,那些滴下的汗水,那些留下的伤痕,全都让你成为独一无二的自己。 –朱学恒

If you hurt someone, the damage is permanent, no matter what you do, you can only reduce but not remove the pain. –sylecn (如果你给别人造成伤害,不管你做什么事情弥补,都只能减轻而不能消除痛苦。 –sylecn)

Being mean is lame, what’s cool is being nice! –Bernadette (the Big Bang Theory)

如果你想对社会的上层炫耀自己,那就打消这个念头,他们照样看不起你。如果你想对社会的底层炫耀自己,也请打消这个念头,他们只会忌妒你。身份和地位往往使你感到无所适从。唯有一颗坦诚的心方能使你悠然地面对整个社会。 –米奇·阿尔博姆


你向這個社會需要一些東西的時候,第一個步驟你先問你自己給了些什麼給這個社會,我給了音樂。 –黃家駒

有一条恶龙,每年要求村庄献祭一个处女,每年这个村庄都会有一个少年英雄去与恶龙搏斗,但无人生还。又一个英雄出发时,有人悄悄尾随。龙穴铺满金银财宝,英雄用剑刺死恶龙,然后坐在尸身上,看着闪烁的珠宝,慢慢地长出鳞片、尾巴和触角,最终变成恶龙。 –《在缅甸寻找乔治·奥威尔》 // 为什么《百年孤独》里面也有屠龙少年变成龙的故事?哪本书是先写的?

宇宙内事要力担当,又要善摆脱。不担当,则无经世之事业;不摆脱,则无出世之襟期。 –菜根潭

好丑心太明,则物不契;贤愚心太明,则人不亲。士君子须是内精明而外浑厚,使好丑两得其平,贤愚共受其益,才是生成的德量。 –菜根潭

士君子济人利物,宜居其实,不宜居其名,居其名则德损;士大夫忧国为民,当有其心,不当有其语,有其语则毁来。 –菜根潭

欲求思想之独立,必先求经济之独立。不受胁迫才能坚持己见,不有求于人才能形成独立公正的思维。 –sylecn

如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。 –尼采·F.W.

过去的33年里,我每天早上看着镜子问自己:“今天是我生命的最后一天吗?我是否要去做今天该做的事?”一天一天太多次是“不是”,我知道这需要改变…所有的事情——所有身外的期望,所有的骄傲,所有的对困难和失败的恐惧——这些东西在死亡面前立刻消失的无影无踪,只剩下真正重要的东西。想着自己即将死去,这是让我避免落入担心失去什么的陷阱里的最好的方法。 –Steve Jobs

批评你的人是你今天的敌人,明天的朋友;吹捧你的人是你今天的朋友,明天的敌人。 –anonymous

每天唤醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想。 –anonymous from sina weibo

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. –Abraham Lincoln

If you want to have success in life and work you need to believe strongly in what you are doing and never give up. –Kaka (如果你想在生活和工作上获得成功,必须坚信自己在做的事情,不要轻言放弃。 –卡卡)

一个人对生命没有热情,活着等于死了。 –明月心 《策马萧西风》

每一个健康的人都应该传播微笑。 –sylecn

太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。 –anonymous

人之所以为人,那是因为人有精神和意识,如果人的精神和心灵变得贫困,那就变成了物质世界的行尸走肉,就和动物无异。 –小说《西藏禁书》

谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己? –from solidot

你不问我,我就不会说谎话。 –from solidot

亲密关系 Relationship

如果我不曾见过太阳,我本可以忍受黑暗,可是我已经遇见了你。 –改自 迪金森

PUA套路最多只能让你得到一时的欢愉,不可能得到长久的幸福。就像听财富讲座一样,都是一时嗨。 –sylecn

喜欢一个人就是,只要不是让我特别痛苦的事情,我都愿意为她去做。 –sylecn

精神贫穷的男人不能嫁,精神贫穷的女人不能娶。 –sylecn

如果你想找到自己的灵魂伴侣,你得先让别人知道你的灵魂是什么样子。而写作就可以做到。 –sylecn

In a relationship, don’t expect everything you do to be appreciated by your SO (significant other). You should do everything that you think is favorable to your SO, some of them will be appreciated and some will go unnoticed. Do not hesitate to do things just because they are unnoticed. –sylecn

你知道吗,我把对你的想念都挂在了天空,于是画出了一幅星河。 –张荆棘

也许上帝希望我们在遇到那个对的人之前遇到一些错误的人,因此,当我们最终遇到那个人的时候,我们才知道如何感恩。 –玛格丽特·米切尔《飘》

女孩子请记住,如果不幸遭遇强暴,你们的生活并不会改变,唯一会改变你的是如果你对这件事耿耿于怀。 –sylecn

只是坐下,轻轻靠在你身边就感到很满足,这就是爱情。 –sylecn

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. –Maya Angelou

真女神和假女神的区别:真女神有发自内心的微笑和大笑,假女神不会,都是自拍和摆拍。 –sylecn

“如果你渴望得到某样东西,你得让它自由。如果它回到你身边,它就是属于你的;如果它不会回来, 你就从未拥有过它。” –大仲马《基督山伯爵》

一个20年身材容貌都没变的女人,意味着什么?意味着自我控制的意志力。 –anonymous from wechat

呵护爱你的人,给像星辰一样为你放射光芒的人送上他们最需要的礼物,再也没有比这更甜蜜的事情了。 –雨果

经常附和和表示赞同自然是很容易,但是习惯性地这样做容易履行不了承诺以及迷失自我。 –sylecn

学习 Learning

When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only “What are the facts? And what is the truth that the facts bear out?” Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe or by what you think could have beneficent social effects if it were believed. But look only and solely at what are the facts. –Bertrand Russel

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. –Edwin Schlossberg (2013)

小说不止要讲故事,还要会讲故事。而语言就是这么神奇的东西。 –sylecn

When you read a lot of dense, original content from a single person, it’s going to have an impact on you. And this content is written with the intention to help you grow. –Steve Pavlina

每教好一个孩子,就减少一个败类。 –雨果

I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. –Pablo Picasso

Nothing is hard, just more complex. –sylecn

工作和编程 Work and Programming

作为一个程序员,如果随着时间,你的代码和项目越写越复杂,那你或者你的企业一定有大问题。代码永远都应该是越来越清晰,越来越简单的。 –sylecn

企业家的格局决定企业的结局,企业家的高度决定企业的高度、远度。 –吉夫科文

谋大事者首重格局。 –曾国藩

Segfault is the 2nd worst thing in android development. The worst thing is java’s verbose. –sylecn

SQL, Lisp, and Haskell are the only programming languages that I’ve seen where one spends more time thinking than typing. –Philip Greenspun

Good plants grow a lot in half a month. Good products should grow in the same pace. –sylecn

Every dynamic language should have a compiler or a lint tool to detect common errors. You should always use that to check your code before committing. –sylecn

One should write reusable code from day one. SCM, unit testing, package definition, namespace, define, install and using package, All this should be taught to the beginner programmer after a quick intro to the programming language. they may not fully understand it, but it’s best to let them know how to do it in case they want to. A serious programmer will appriciate it very soon. –sylecn

Common Lisp is extremely complicated and ugly. When I wrote GNU Emacs I had just finished implementing Common Lisp, and I did not like it much. It would bloat Emacs terribly, and documenting it would be hard too. Scheme is elegant, and it is a better direction to move in. –Richard Stallman

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. –Philip Greenspun, written around 1993, known as Greenspun’s Tenth Rule

Version control system blows away your fear to save files. –sylecn

To decide how well a person is good at using the computer, you only need to know how well he/she backs up his/her data. –sylecn

Most importantly, find people that are smarter than you, work with them, and learn from them. Realize that what you don’t know will always be greater than what you do know. –riney, from stackoverflow

Real quality means making sure that people are proud of the code they write, that they’re involved and taking it personally. –Linus Torvalds

I will, in fact, claim that the difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important. Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships. –Linus Torvalds

Don’t tune for speed until you’ve measured, and even then don’t unless one part of the code overwhelms the rest. –Rob Pike, Notes on C Programming

工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。 –日本谚语

国家和政治 Country and Politics

一个国家的繁荣,不取决于她的国库之殷实,不取决于她的城堡之坚固,也不取决于她的公共设施之华丽;而取决于她的公民的文明素养,即在于人民所受的教育,人民的远见卓识和品格的高下。这才是真正的利害所在,真正的力量所在。 –马丁·路德·金

一切拥有权力的人都有滥用权力为自己谋求私利的倾向;任何专制的国家的教育目的都是在极力降低国民的心智。 –孟德斯鸠 (未验证是否为原文 | not verified)

反贪腐,绝不能指望官僚自己反自己。 –墨鉅

国家机器碾压个体时,我很难理解,为什么会有一部分个体没有唇亡齿寒兔死狐悲的感觉,他们真的以为,只要听话,车轮就不会碾过来么? –宁财神

有时会有朋友劝我,你不缺吃不缺喝,何必关心政治呢?你又不当公知,说多了对你百害而无一利。我说:我从不关心政治,我关心的,只是我自己的生活,我希望,我能吃到物美价廉的放心食品,希望我的娃不用吃昂贵的进口奶粉,希望小区物业不会跟我耍流氓,希望能活得像一个有尊严、有安全感的小市民! –宁财神

对自己的人民采取暴力的一个政权的合法性在任何地方都是受到质疑的。 –土耳其外长 达斡特欧陆

与乡村干部的会谈持续了很长时间。一位乡党委书记说,总理来之前,该怎么向总理说,上面没有明确,大家心里没有数,不免搞了些假材料。但是总理以他务实的作风和平易近人的形象影响了大家,使大家渐渐地放开了,“我们感到总理是来倾听我们烦恼、解决我们问题的,不是追究我们责任的,他能体谅我们的苦衷。” –来自互联网,评价朱镕基总理

从前的愚民政策是不许人民受教育,现代愚民政策是只许人民受某一种教育。不受教育的人,因为不识字,上人的当,受教育的人,因为识了字,上印刷品的当。 –钱钟书

You can fool some people all the time, all the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. –from http://uva.onlinejudge.org/ homepage

历史是胜利者的宣传,只有传记才是真实的历史。 –anonymous // 编者按:现在部分传记也修饰过度了,可信度也在下降。

吐槽和牢骚 Rants

Can you image twitter and facebook block all youtube videos and amazon product pages? That’s what Tencent did to all services provided by Alibaba. No matter how much revenue they generate, I never liked Tencent and won’t miss it if it’s gone. –sylecn // The reverse is also true: Alibaba also block all tencent services. I am not saying I like Alibaba. Just give you an example how bad the Chinese Internet ecosystem is.

中国的雾霾天气,你买了敞篷跑车也只是在拥堵街道上多吸一点毒气,并没有什么卵用。 –sylecn

我通常能看到三种人:有趣的人,无聊的人,讨厌的人。 –sylecn

一些刚参加工作的应届生,对我们说,他们想要的自由的工作生活状态是,找一份钱多活少离家近的工作,没事能出去旅游,有钱买买买,工作时间较为自由,公司福利多多,家里养条狗狗,再谈个不错的男女朋友。 –刘传 (HUGO wechat service account)

女生的所谓出去玩就是洗完头,换上漂亮衣服,找个地方自拍,然后顺手发个状态。 –anonymous from sina weibo

世间的很多事物,追求时候的兴致总要比享用时候的兴致浓烈。 –莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》

首先他们无视于你,而后是嘲笑你,接着是批斗你,再来就是你的胜利之日。 –甘地

这个世界上有两种道德:一种叫道德,一种叫社会主义道德。 –《新周刊》

富二代看到祖父辈留下的财产就企图据为己有,就如同千寻的父母看到免费的食物就埋头大吃一样,这只会让自己变成猪。不劳而获者,不得食。 –sylecn 2012.9.26突然想起《千与千寻》里面这个镜头,有感。

说中国人是猪,感情上不能接受,可他妈的很多事一直都在验证中国人是猪这一事实。不侵犯到自己的利益,就光知道埋头赚钱,谁死都和自己个儿没关系。一旦伤害到自己了,马上就惨叫,叫得简直哭天抢地,然后一个大白馒头扔过去,立马又焉了,别人喊的时候,丫依然埋头吃喝! –王朔

Don’t tell me how to do it before telling me what you want. –sylecn

Basically, Apple and Google have so much control over the smartphone landscape that carriers have effectively become nothing more than retailers. Worse than that, their infrastructures have been reduced to that of a dumb pipe, where it is Apple and Google who ultimately decide how the network will be used. –osdir website

Every Linux distro that recommand wine or make installing wine extremely easy is evil. –sylecn // Running Windows games with wine may be acceptable, but in general wine should be avoided when running Linux.

古今中外没有一个不骂人的。 –梁实秋 《骂人的艺术》

Amazon S3 is 70 times more expensive than server hard disk. Rsync.net is more than that! –anonymous from internet

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. –Albert Einstein

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. –Brian Kernighan

杀毒软件,防火墙、输入法、浏览器、即时通讯软件最好别用国产的,都有后门。 –anonymous // 虽然放在牢骚里面,不代表这不是事实。

In fact, the old delta (ẟ) was so ugly, I couldn’t stand to write papers using that symbol; now I can’t stand to read papers that still do use it. –Donald Knuth // 原文在这里,真是神吐槽啊。

I can’t take any credit for this set up, as I have mearly gathered information from my references. As the old university excuse goes: Copy from one source is plagiarism, copy from two or more is research. –anonymous